It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Monday, July 30, 2012


"Patience is bitter, but it bears sweet fruit.”

-Turkish Proverb

A few years ago the kids chose a tiny apple tree for Jeremy for Father's Day. It was not from a fancy nursery, my friends. This little tree came from Meijer. Honestly I never thought it would ever produce a was never a happy tree. It was little and began growing crooked...but not the less it reached toward the sun. It has been hit by the lawn mower, lost limbs to storms and yet it's still here. Trying. Growing.  And the kids will ask"when will it grow an apple?"  And I always answer with a simple "someday".....Well friends it has been an exercise in patience...but today was someday.

 And I have two say it was the most perfect little apple I have ever seen.....and the smiles on the kids' faces were just as sweet.
Practice patience my friends....don't give up on anything or anybody...with enough love and enough time....we all have it in us to bear the sweet fruit...and some day can come any day for any one of us.

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