It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Healing Rain

Oh today was a Good Day.A day to be thankful...a day of celebrations and miracles...and we need those days. The day started out tender as I tried to wake up Riggs and he just wouldn't budge...this warm, sleepy boy who is as big as I am just lay there cozy and wanted to stay snug in bed...and so I got to Carry him down this morning....just like I used to...and that was a little miracle in itself that started this day.
At 7 the phone rang and I saw on the caller ID that it was Jenna...I braced myself for bad...pre 8am phone calls are usually never good...but when I answered the voice on the other end was full of joy..."She has Viral Meningitis...that's all!" she said...and I thought to myself.....Thank you God....thank you. I am not sure viral meningitis has ever been celebrated with heartfelt love but today it was....we jumped and giggled at this brain lifetime of medication..just antibiotics and time. Julia Rose will be fine...this little girl we just love is going to be fine and life will roll right on for her as she picks up right where she left off...being best friends with my girls. I had prayed hard for this and I am not sure it was my prayer that was answered but thank you God....from the bottom of my big ol' heart...thank you.

And we went to Cross Country...and the thirsty, dry earth... sprinkled beautiful fall leaves on us ...and the kids danced and ran trying to catch them...and on this day they called out as they caught the leaves..."I'm catching a little piece of heaven!".....and then our thirsty hearts finally felt the sprinkle of tiny rain drops ......Rain....there running in the middle of the woods with all the kids the skies opened and poured...a soak you to the bone rain...and it felt so good, for a moment, to be wet and it felt like the trees were breathing a sigh of relief and whispered thank you...and the kids smiled. Finally the rain had come...and it felt like a miracle.

And home for warm baths and supper with the family I love...we settled in front of the TV to watch the miracle of the last of the 33 Chilean miners be rescued and reunited with their families...all 33 safe and touching to see this amazing event and as tears rimmed my eyes watching...I was again reminded that God is is good.

And with windows opened...and rain pouring...Riggs walked up the steps and got in his bed by himself...and with a happiness in my did I... and I fell asleep to the sound of healing rain and thinking about the rainbows it brings.

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