It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Time with the Taylors

Jason, Tonya and Sydney came to visit today...any time with them is precious...and wonderful!
We celebrated Jeremy's birthday together...these two were happy about the cookie buffet...I was happy just seeing them together. These two lovely little girls don't miss a matter how long it has been since they have seen each other they pick right up where they left off!
I love watching Jason with the kids..just a few tickles...or teasing them...just being an uncle!
I loved watching Sydney open her Easter much better than sending it in the mail. It is a gift to be able to sit across from her and see her her hands open the basket...just to be with her.
She's my niece and I love her....
The rain poured in sheets outside so while Jeremy and Jason headed to the gym for some guy time Tonya and I hosted an egg hunt inside for the littles....
It was so much fun!
Lovely Lila slept through the entire hunt...she is the 4th and sleeps through anything!

We hid a golden egg.....
Both brothers spied it about the same time!
Then we opened the eggs and checked out the treasures inside!

In the end we had lots of candy...and sweet chocolate covered fingers!
When Lila woke up we had another egg hunt just for her. The kids hid the eggs for her...and could not wait for her to find them...showing her each one...they could not help themselves!

It was a wonderful, rainy day with the Taylors and I was so happy to spend some time with Tonya..and have the kids be together too...being kids...being cousins...can't wait to see them again!

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