It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Not just another day at the beach.....

Day two of the beach seemed like it a regular day at the skies....beautiful sand...happy kids

and an ocean and that called out......come play

and so we a big...wonderful way.....jumping in the waves.....

searching for shells....

and lots of boogie board time....and giggles by the buckets full!

Landon  and Nana stood by the shore while the kids played and I was in a beach chair...when a lady started screaming at Landon to help her....her kids couldn't swim...and they were far out.....
She saw Landon from a distance and thought this big guy can help me...but Landon is autistic and her panicked screamed did not register with him. I jumped up and told her her was autistic and could not help her....and I connected with her eyes and saw her desperation.
I got my littles out of the water and on beach with mom....
They watched as Nana and I went into the fast as we could...trying to get to four little kids who were so far away they were little more than dots on the horizon. I didn't think I just went. We got out about half way to them...but still not close enough to call to them. The ocean floor left me and the water was over my heard. I as pulled into a riptide and the waves crashed over me. My lungs ached with the sting of salt water. I was scared and the realization came that I needed a life preserver or a floating device of some sort in order to do this....I wasn't strong enough....I wasn't enough to do this as much as I wanted to. I had to get back to the beach and reset. But in a rip tide each wave that crashes over you...does not take you back only pulls you deeper and deeper ...farther and farther...and there was a moment where I was tired and it seemed hopeless. In trying to save these kids....I would have to save myself first. I called to Nana that we had to go back in.....and as I fought to get back in little by little....I prayed in a big way. It was a moment of clarity for me as I fought to get back to my own littles.
 I was so emotional and no pictures were taken of what happened next...but this is how it unfolded.
Nana and I finally got back to the beach....and from no where came this He looked like he could be cast as an African God in a movie....and was calm amidst the panic and screams....and he could swim fast and strong. He was able to save the kids one by one. It was amazing. You can barely see him in the back of this picture.  We never got his name....we just called him "the angel." And he left as the paramedics gave the moma oxygen and she cried...he just walked away.
 A lady came and everyone touched each other and she prayed over the children and the mom and gave thanks for their presence and for their life. We stood on a cluster on the beach with strangers who in that moment were family. We are all one family on this Earth. Family is truly who loves you and who will be there for you....blood has nothing to do with it. Who loves you? Today I was loved by a giant black he was family and I will carry him in my heart forever.

The after noon was spent with a little more time on the beach than in the ocean....but with more hugs and kisses than I can count......

We finished the night crabbing.....

and caught 30! Just when we were done...our bucket can't hold another..... it seemed like there was always one more to get....just like life.....there is always room in your life and in your heart for more goodness....
I fell asleep that night thankful.....for friends....for family....for my time on this Earth and the gift every day is....

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