It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

XC kick off party!

The Bolingers invited the team to Riggs lake for a Goshen XC kick off party!

We had the best time! The kids played football, hung out and fished!

 The Daddies played corn hole....
 and the Momas....well...we did a lot of chatting....and bonding!
It was a wonderful afternoon with this amazing team and the remarkable people that are a part of it!

so proud

Dear Tater Tot,
I just wanted a take a moment and tell you how proud I am of you for trying out this running business. It's out of your comfort zone...or so I thought. I thought 2 weeks in the hot July weather...running hills, sweating...push ups...sit ups....well, I just thought that would not be your cup of tea and after 2 weeks you would return to your books and kiss XC goodbye...but man was I wrong. You have tried so hard.....worked so hard...and pushed yourself in ways I never thought possible. You embraced something new...something hard....and gave it all you had...and I am so proud of you for that. You finish every race and every practice with a smile....and that leaves me smiling and so happy inside. You never cease to amazing me and that is one of the things I love most about you. Keep pushing and growing, sweet girl....the sky is the limit for you!

All my love,

Kentucky Kids Day

We celebrated Kentucky Kids day 2013!
It was a fun day at school for the kids with music and prizes but what I loved the most was the Kona Ice truck!
 The kids all loved this sweet treat and it was so fun to stop...take a minute....and hang with my littles while they enjoyed their shaved ice!

I hope they all felt as special as they are!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I saw this on Facebook a week or so ago...I didn't hit like...or share it...I scrolled on...
Sometimes that is what I do...scroll on....we all do...we pass by the moments...thinking there will another one to follow...I do it when Lila asks me to read a book when I am making supper....I do it when Sarah Kate asks me to see how much she has read in her book in the living room when I am all the way upstairs in the laundry room....
I pass some moments and get the next one...and I know that is normal.
One moment I didn't pass was this one....this past September 11th...just a few weeks ago. I am ashamed to admit that I wanted to pass it by before I went. It had been a long day...late night at cross country...hard night to get Lila to bed.. I was overwhelmed...tired....and had so much to do. I wanted to stay home but instead I got in my car and drove back over to Goshen for the 5th time that day. 
In P's garden...I sat by candle light and just listened to my friend Pam talk. She talked about her journey, her hope, her cancer, her frustrations, and I listened. I was there in that moment with her.
It was the last time I saw her...hugged her...told her I loved her....days later she went to the hospital...and by the time I was able to get to the hospital to see was family only....
She passed last Monday morning....
Pam...who was a light in this world....a giver.....
an amazing mother full of fun and energy....and goodness.....
This is how I see her when I close my eyes...big hair framing her huge smile...heart full of love for her children....this was one Mothers Day we spent together at the soccer field...a memory I cherish so deeply.
She was a good friend and I, like many, am blessed to have know her...and to love her.  She fought so hard to stay here  on this Earth....for more time with her children. She inspires me to be a better mother...a mother who tries not to let too many moments pass by....a mother who gets deep within her soul that the days are long but the years are short.... See you in Heaven, sweet friend.....hope you are painting up there and sending us down your love. I am pretty sure you were responsible for the beautiful pink sun set last thank you for that and for everything. I miss you already......

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pink Tie Ball

Another Event I forgot to blog about...Pink Tie Ball!
Not sure was so much fun!
It's still fun to get dressed up.....
especially when you are supporting such a worthy cause.......
and a night with some really, fun, amazing and beautiful friends!

And it was a night with my hottie husband! We loved every second it it!

North Game

We are North people now....funny how we just slipped right into loving this new school as Riggs started middle school. Tonight was the football game the North Cheer clinic was performing at so we headed North! My crew was excited to go!
 We tailgated.....

 and enjoyed the game and the touch of fall in the air...with our jeans and boots and sweatshirts at the ready.....

 The boys ran around......the girls cheered......

 It was a fun night for sure! Instagram approved!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hillcrest Youth Triathalon

 Somehow in the hustle and bustle I skipped a few things I should have blogged but didn' of them was the Hillcrest Triathalon!
It was Sk's first time.....
Rollins' 3rd year.......
and Riggs' 5th year I believe!
They swam.....


and ran their little hearts out.....
all the way to the finish line......
Best memory of the day was when SK got a water on her way to the run.....
She sipped it and then asked me where the trash was.....
no trash can? "I can't litter, mom!"
I told her just to throw it....and she stood there... for what seemed like forever....contemplating this evil act of the triathlon clock kept going....
Finally, after seeing 15 people toss their cups in the grass, she tossed hers too and ran on.....
sweet, her and her heart so much....
Julia & SK finished but they were both emotional from their efforts....they tried so hard
 The firetruck blasted the kids after it was over to cool them off!
they were wet and happy....
and proud!
Both Riggs and Rollins placed in their age groups!

It was a fun morning! 
The Hillcrest Triathalon tradition continues!