It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The sun came up..and I found sunshine

With 6 people and one puppy in the house...there is never a night when someone isn't up at some's just the way it is.  Some nights it is just one child up for a drink for a moment...other nights it seems an endless thing after another...and the sleep was so can't wait to get up...even though you are happy for the long night to have come to an end.

Last night was one such night.....

The girls fell asleep in their clothes...without a bath. I can count on one hand the nights my children have gone to bed without a nice bath and fresh pajamas.  Although Riggs tells me some of his friends only take a bath every 2 nights...its just how we do it. So I started the night off on the wrong foot...and it got worse from there. When Jeremy and I went up to bed..I crawled tired from the day...and he followed in a minute. As he got in he realized that Jack had peed on his side of the bed...and boy was he mad! I should mention that Jack is having a rough time..he is trying to tell us something and we are working on figuring it out...but that is another post. We ripped the sheets off and I looked for the first  set of sheets I could find....they didn't match but who was very late and we were both tired. It turns out they were both top sheets...not one was fitted, but we put them on any way..knowing the one on the bottom would not stay put and would bunch up...but sleep was calling us.

The lights were turned out...and we drifted off the sleep.

And heartburn...Riggs was talking in his sleep....Lila woke up from peeing thru her pull up so I changed her and just put her in bed with me...would tackle her crib in the morning...and then SK woke up and came looking for she joined Lila, Jeremy and me in our bed. When I woke up the bed was a mess...mismatched sheets and pillows...the bottom sheet was bunched up and the mattress was showing through. I shrugged the girls off of me to go get the day started. I was tired and rolled my eyes at my messy bed and my two sleepy girls who had kicked and cuddled and wriggled in the bed all night...oh what a night.

I went downstairs and did my morning routine...and as the sun came up...and I went back upstairs....I found sunshine....and it was shining on the most beautiful bed you have ever seem...a bed for angels...truly.
 Curled warm sleepy dreams....
 entangled in each other and feeling safe and happy
 beautiful.....precious...sisters....wrapped up in love...look at those sweet lips...
 and the bed...with not one matching sheet or pillow case...and two little girls in their clothes from the day before...brought sunshine into my tired early glimpse of Valentine love...Good Morning, beautiful.....

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