It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

LaGrange Saturday Morning

We woke up Saturday  morning to rain and hungry tummies...and no plans. I will say that plans. No one had any games, meets, workouts, play dates,  or birthday parties for the entire day...and it felt so refreshing to be open to anything. Riggs mentioned breakfast and soon we were dressed in hoodies...(what is it about the rain that makes a hoodie so cozy?) ...and headed to Cracker Barrel in LaGrange. I was over the moon with contentment sitting at the table with the family...and hot cup of coffee...watching the rain come down outside.
The boys played Checkers .....
And Sarah Kate and Jeremy played the peg game at the table...she had never played this and is always so excited to learn anything new...she just eats it up!
Before we knew it... our food came...and our growling tummies smiled! When the food comes to our table it is always crazy at I scramble to get everyone all they need...and every thing cut up, buttered, and split up just perfectly....while the entire restaurant is very different from being at home. The funniest thing is that with pancakes and waffles I just pick them up...and tear them up into little pieces. I know, politeness out the window but it just takes forever to get all the pancakes and sausages cut up so I just pick and start ripping! Who cares! :)
And we sat and ate and talked....and it was a wonderful breakfast...I love listening to the kids talk about anything...and hearing their opinions...and seeing things from their point of view. You learn so much when you listen...really listen to them.
Sarah Kate, in her usual fashion, asked before each bite...what do you think I am going to eat next?  It is a little game she likes to play.....
After breakfast we took the LaGrange thing and ran with it...we parked downtown and went exploring...down alleys and checking out the stores...because we could..we had time and no plans!
We spied The Treasured Child...a precious toy store...and it opened at we waited!
There is something good about having to wait a little bit for makes it even more special! We had that Christmas morning kind of feeling waiting for the lights to turn on and the door to open...

They had a ball exploring the toy store and everyone got a little prize...even though we really shouldn't have since we had already been out to breakfast. When we got up to the counter to pay for our little prizes for 4 which added to to $50...the owner asked my name and said they used to collect points but now they don't but they converted the points into money...we had a $44 credit...what a great surprise!!! Rollins got a dragon, Riggs got some wolves...he needed multiple to have a pack ;) of course. Lila got some little puppies, and Sarah Kate got a microphone full of pink bubble bath and a book.
We went home and Sarah Kate invited me and Lila to a musical bath show with her new can you refuse front row seats to a concert like that!? So we shed our clothes and got right into a nice, warm bath for an amazing performance by Sarah Kate!
I was happy to be there...front row a bubble bath....You are My Sunshine never sounded so sweet...
The boys went downstairs to play with their new prizes and we all had the best, lazy afternoon. It was even better with the rain falling outside...keeping us inside....together.

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