It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Let's get ready to RUMBLE!

Riggs has been counting down the day to the Rumble since last year. Last year he placed second and was 7 seconds behind the winner who set a new course record. The day we pulled out of the parking lot last year he set the goal to get the new course record this year. And here we were back in the parking lot of the rumble...a sea of cars from all over...all ready to Rumble!
 It was a lofty goal....and to be honest one I wished he had not set his heart seemed like if he didn't do it he would be devastated...and you never want that...but in the same breath you want them to dream big...right? At first he was just full of excitement...laughing and enjoying his friends....

 But as the Middle school races began...I saw him zone in.....get focused......
 and it really set in that today was the day.......
Today was the day to debut the new uniforms......

and to see if there was enough gas in the tank....what talent was in this field....and to see how much heart and guts really matter......
Riggs was nervous.....
I felt like I wanted go hide in the woods until it was all over....
That's the thing about a race...probably why it is so fun...but you never know what is going to happen....what kind of race you might have...if you might have a good start...a bad start..if you might don't know who is going to show up and have the race of their's all a gamble...but one Riggs...and now Rollins to take
Today Riggs was betting 7 seconds that he could break that course record and I was willing to put my money on him that he could do it.

But as the team settled into the warm ups and the team meeting...the rumbling rumors of the day grew and grew. When we arrived we were told the course has always been short but that this year they had fixed that...and added 40 meters onto the course. As I took this picture....I was overhearing Mike tell Jeremy that "whoever has the course record will have it forever". Those were his words...the ones I heard as I watch my child prepare to do what was now...... impossible?
I felt like he was now heading into a great battle...that everyone thought he was sure to loose....
We chose, however, to not tell Riggs this......

 and sent him off with love and confidence and the belief that if he gave his best....well, that is all you can ask for.....
and Sweet Rollins was so excited that Mrs. Noon and her boys were there to cheer him on....
 Seriously it was the highlight of the race for him....
 so I have this team I love ready to run...with two boys of my own in the mix...each running with different hearts...and different goals....
 Coach...and Dad.... walked away from the start line and it was time......we were ready to rumble.....

The gun fired....and as my heartbeat in my ears.....they were off.....
 By the first stretch Riggs had moved from about 9th to 1st...but he is usually not in the lead this soon...I prayed for his courage....

By the second turn....Riggs was still holding on...and I prayed for his tender heart....

and Rollins was kicking it strong.....he just digs so deep and tries so hard....

and then I went to the finish line and I  took my place...and I waited...and it seemed like forever that I looked down this long line of trees...waiting to see  one little glimmer of movement....and wondering if he had kept his lead....anticipating the heartbreak of not getting the course record....just wondering...and all the while full of hope.....
and then....
he arrived.....
and...... HE.......WAS......ROLLIN'.......
I had not even glaced at the clock the whole race....I resented the clock today....

But as he ran by me the clock was ALL Riggs saw .....I followed his gaze...and for the first time I saw the time....

 He ran through the finish line at 7:17....a new course record...even with the added distance to the course.

 He has the heart of a champion, this one....not every race will end this way I know....
but I also know he will try at every one....and for that I am beyond proud. Today he believed he could....and he did.

 It was high fives and back slaps...and shy, humble smiles....for Riggs

 and little brother rocked it and came in 17th and was oh so happy to share it all with Ms. Noon...and especially Jacob!

 Our boys just rocked this race and it was so fun to celebrate as a team.....

 The awards ceremony began....
and Riggs got the gold Medal!

Both the boys and the girls took first place!
and at the end of it all....after the cheers had died and trophies were put away...
 I love you's were said.......
I'm proud of you's were whispered....
and we will remember this day forever.....we just will.
 Impossible or not...I will always bet money on my boys and their hearts!
A little heart can go a long way......

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