It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Every year my husband...we will call him Clark Griswald for this post...fights with the lights outside. It's just never easy. Some don't work from the get go...some go out after he already gets them's just always a battle for him. The tree out front is his tree....he chose it...he planted it...he gets to put colored lights on it at Christmas. We have had the never ending colored lights vs white lights battle since our first Christmas together! His tree has gotten so tall...putting his lights on it was extra hard this year!
 But he did it!!!! Clark was victorious!
 and, even as a lover of white Christmas lights, I will admit it is beautiful!
After our Christmas lights were up we got baths and Christmas pajamas on, grabbed some blankets and Jack and got in the family truckster to go look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood!
 We saw some beautiful this tree that all 3 of my boys were crazy about...Jeremy said it was "magical"
 and this beautiful gem...all lit up to perfection.....
But to me this one was the best...the most beautiful to my eyes.
The light from inside this one was full of love....I could see... and I could feel it as we pulled back into our own court. This is home.....
and home is where the heart is......

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