While on vacation, my sister in law, Tonya pointed out this painting to me....
I stood there reading it and it just touched my heart....I loved it so muchI loved it so much because I love my littles so much....every one of their sweet, tender, unique hearts.....because I truly feel they are special and amazing each in their own way.....
and I yearn for them to make time for those that love them....always give more than you take....and always...always....always...follow your heart....it was like my wish for them on canvas and I wanted it so much to take it home with me...this painting...it just said what was in my heart in just the right way.
and so after leaving the store without it....Jeremy and I ended up going back to get it and with no room to bring it home in the truck...I held it in my lap the whole way home.
With the painting and so many wonderful vacation memories with each other and with my brother and his family we returned home...taking a little piece of the beach home with us...and leaving a little piece of us on the beach....
I 'll never forget this vacation...and I promise this painting will hang in my house for as long I live...the words mean that much and they pull at my heart that passionately for me to say that.
So here's to The Hardy Party and to the wishes I hold in my heart for my littles!