It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Riggs' Baptism

Today was a very special's as simple as that. Today Riggs was baptized. He made a decison that it takes some people a life time to make and I am so proud of him.

His daddy had the honor to baptize him and this made the day even more meaningful. Jeremy said he knew his Papaw was smiling down from heaven on this day...he would have been so proud of Riggs and so proud of Jeremy. 

 We arrived early to church...and as I walked in...the littles following....everyone said in our yellow that I looked like a Moma duck with my ducklings....I thought that was so funny....sometimes it feels just that way! :)
 We walked back to the baptism area...right past this sign on the wall. And as I walked past it...and saw this simple statement...that leads people to baptism....and draws them nearer to God...I was filled with a peaceful happiness that Riggs was going to do this today.
The Dowdys were there to greet us...they are our neighbors and our friends. They had changed with other volunteers in order to be back there with Riggs on this day...and I was so thankful for have them back meant a lot.

The Dowdys showed Riggs the water and then we came back down to meet up with Colin and Nate.

 The minute I saw Colin I teared up.....seeing these boys together ..on this very special day...just filled my heart with love. They are friends. They play and laugh and talk...but they also care and worry...encourage and pray for each other. They are lucky to have each other....or maybe I should say blessed. I love them..and I love the bond that they share.
These boys have loved each other since they were born.....
 Seeing Ashton, Colin and Riggs together in that moment...took us all back to our first summer together...when they were deciding what color popsicle to eat...and here they are making decisions with their heart that will forever change and mold their lives.
 It was so special to see Nate and Jeremy with the boys.....I gave Riggs a teary hug and told him I was proud of him and we left to go get seated to watch. Colin and Riggs got busy with Rock, Paper, Scisors to see who would go first...which I just loved. This is a big day...but they are little boys...making decisons in their own way.  The decison to be baptized is one they talked and prayed about together in their Sunday school class. Who would get dunked first was Rock, Paper, Scisors for sure.....
 The service started and out they came......
Riggs looked so little up their...but he was very focused...and I could tell this meant a lot to him....
 Colin won Rock, Paper, Scisors...and went first... ;)
 Then it was Riggs' turn......baptism is such a simple act and yet it means so much....he was up above the water...
 Jeremy spoke his words....
 and then Riggs was under the water....washed clean....and as he came up from the water, tears ran down my face. I was so happy and I know Gene Hardy was right there in the room...I swear I could feel him...and I left my seat and I went to hug Mamaw who was a few rows over...and she whispered that this indeed was a happy day.
 Riggs and Colin and their daddys' joined the service after they were changed and the boys took their first communion. After the service Mamaw had a moment with Riggs. I was far away and this is the shot I got...but honestly it looks just like I saw it through my tears of happiness so this picture is a keeper.
 It meant so much to have Mamaw there....she is so good.....and so full of faith.
 My sweet, baptized boys simple gave each other a high five!
 Off to Cornerstone Cafe for a celebration brunch...Scott blessed our meal with a word of prayer. He is so precious and is such a good role model for these boys...a true man of faith with a heart of gold.
 We celebrated...and ate...and the room was filled with such happy love!

 Riggs got many gifts, but he loved this simple cross from Colin very much and put it right on.
 These boys have shared so much together and I have no doubt they will be friends forever...especially with a friendship built from love and faith from the ground up.
 It was a happy day...and one I will never forget. I will carry it in my heart forever....file it away with love.
 I love this boy...........let me say it again....I love this boy.
I am so proud of him...and so to the core happy that he has God in his life ...and in his heart.  His life will be better, happier, and more solid...and that makes me feel a very deep contentment. Life is full of happy and sad....immense joys and deep disappointments and I am so thankful that Riggs will have his faith to help him...and to turn to all the days of his life. I pray he will forever feel the amazing Grace that he feels today. May God bless you all the days of your life, Riggs Hardy!

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