It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rock Garden memories

We have been so many things to blog...birthdays and parties and big events.....but I swear....I know in my heart.....that it's not the big events that always make the big impressions on your life. It's the little things....the unique memories that are the ones that stand out...and sometimes you know know when you are making a memory..and today was one such day. The sun was shining in a bright, bold way...and it was as if it whispered to me to come outside.

I worked in the garden and this year we made a path in the center of the plot so it would be easier to tend to the plants....we decided the center path needed stepping stones so it would not be so muddy when it was we headed to the creek to look for some. 

When we got there...I was taken aback my the beauty of my own little world...and how nice it was to be among the trees and the water. It is comforting to me to be down here...this is the childhood I had. There were no neighbors or  courts for bikes where I grew was just acres and acres of this. I loved being here with my littles...and they just all take right to it..all of them...getting muddy and search of the perfect rocks for the garden.

I swear I could feel the memories being they searched and picked the rocks....

We choose 11 amazing rocks.....and then carried them a few at a time back to the wagon that waited on the hill....

We pushed and pulled the wagon back to the garden...

and placed each rock with care in just the right spot...

and then every little tried out our new path!

 It was just something little....that we all did together....and we all smiled about...

 It was a good afternoon....and one I know we will all remember.....I just know it in my heart....

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