It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coach for a day...

Jeff sent us an email about a meet in Glasglow, Kentucky-the Kentucky Christian School State Champion Meet. Jeremy and I thought it would be a great meet to do for the boys. A chance for them to hopefully shine and feel good. At the state meet they run up...with bigger..older....faster kids....and although this is great and such a's also hard. You naturally want your kids to be recognized and to feel good...but they sacrifice that moment of glory...that moment on stage....that trophy....for the good of the team.  Riggs was the fastest fourth grader in the state.....Rollins the fastest second grader...if you look at their times compered to the others but because they run up they don't get to experience this. In fact the State chooses the all state team based on how they finish at state only so for Riggs....who is the fastest fourth grader in the state.....he is not even mentioned or thought about because he run with the fifth and 6th graders. The fourth grade all state team is composed of kids he has beaten all year. I just hate it for him.But, it is what it is and we do what we can as parents to soften the unfair reality of life sometimes...thus the trip to Glasgow! Jeremy was on call so he could not be two hours away from home so I was flying solo as mom....and coach today for the Hardy boys!

Monique would have been proud of me!
I registered, check in and got our course packet! I got their numbers on...and took the course map and off we went on the walk through!

We got warmed up...talked race strategies....and got motivated!
 ok so maybe I did let let have a little more fun than usual........  ;)

 It was a beautiful day...on a beautiful course....and I was so happy to be here with my boys!
 The gun to start the race was a cannon....a real cannon! It was off the hook! So loud and so cool!

 We chose the best box... they lined up...did their run outs....and when that cannon went off they took off and so did I! I had to run to all my planned cheer spots!
 They both raced and battled...

 Riggs came into the finish line great for him to win this one! Just to win it all!

 Rollins came in third.....and the best moment was watching Riggs run down the finish line beside him...cheering his baby brother on!

 First and Third...not too bad Hardy Boys!
 We sat and enjoyed the rest of the races and talked about was awesome!

 At the awards ceremony the boys both got medals!

 It was great to see them shine and to see their hard work pay off! I loved spending this XC morning with them... coach for the day....Moma always!

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