It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

you matter

Life is know...and you get wrapped up in the think about how tired you you have a lot going you wish you had this...or you wish you had that...and then something happens that stops you dead in your tracks...and you are reminded that "the stuff" doesn't matter...and you remember what does. We have so much going on..things to do...people to see...but are you seeing the people that really matter...the people you really love...or is it easier to not make the effort....of course it is easier...but sometimes the effort means the says you matter to me. Today I got a call from Jenna...she was crying....the MRI Julia had yesterday was abnormal...and then a few minutes later another call  came from her and she said "you have to help me"...after further review they needed to see Julia immediately in the ER..."I have to get her now or her optic nerve may burst and she would be blind".......Jenna was telling me this on the best friend was telling me her baby was in trouble...and your world stops...and it is like a slap in the face...and the things I was doing at that moment all the sudden were not so important....what could I do for Jenna and Julia right now? Pray was the first thing that came to right there in my truck I prayed so hard for Jenna...for Julia...and Katie was the second thing. Katie Is Julia's American girl doll. Katie has had sleepovers here with Sarah Kate and her doll, Elizabeth....Katie is important to Julia....a part of her heart. JuJu is sassy and is fighting being too big...too cool... for dolls...she has already given up on princesses so it is coming ...the day when she won't see the magic in Katie...but today she loves Katie and needed her. Yes I am tired.  Yes I have a lot to do. Yes I only have an hour to get to Jenna's house and pick up Katie...get her a hospital gown...get her downtown to Julia and back in time to pick up Lila and Sarah Kate....but I do it...I make the effort because I love them...they are like family....and it says to both of them that they matter to me...because they do.... so very much. So as we wait this out and Julia sees doctor after doctor at least she has Katie by her side and that feels good because I know it makes Julia happy. you it....say it with your whole heart...because you never know what tomorrow might bring.

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