It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

ABC...let's go meet Mrs. P!

She wanted to bring something to Mrs. P and we decided on flowers. I felt she like she Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz walking into she was seeing the world in a whole new colorful way.
Making big girl decisions and what gift to bring...and then after deciding on flowers...making the very hard choice of which ones would be perfect for Mrs. P...after thinking about it she decided upon a beautiful bouquet of pink roses!
I see this little girl in a whole new light right times she is so worldly and wise. As we walked out of Kroger she said... don't you love our fancy shoes together. Cause she is big like me!
And then there are still times when she seems so little. On the way to Goshen she fell fast asleep holding those pink roses. He little body tired from the day...still needing a rest...a quiet time to reset.
and when I looked in the rear view mirror to find her sleeping it takes me right back to this...and I wonder how did she get so big so fast? And my heart sinks.....

I wipe the sentimental sadness away and get my self happy again...this is a big day for my girl! She is going to be a Goshen Kindergator!
So Mrs. P here we come! Oh Sarah are so precous!
Inside we met up with the Crane twins! Sk was so happy to see them!
They followed the red rainbow color all the way to their room!
They were greeted by a sign....
and a beautiful bulletin board! But this bulletin board hit me in the heart a little..Sarah Kate's name was on the board..a part of this class...these would be the people she would spend her days with from now this year...
There it was...her elephant with her name on it....
Mrs. P met her with a smile and a hug and SK shyly gave her the flowers.....
We found her seat...dropped off her supplies and she explored the room. She did not cling to me or need me
at all. If was really rather a minute this group of girls had all gathered by the rocking chair and they were smiling and laughing..talking about school....and planting the seeds for friendships to bloom!

After visiting the class we went to take a tour of the bus. There was something about the was so big...and all of a sudden they seemed so little..
Debbie had a moment here. It hit both of us....but her a little harder....she is sending her babies...and loosing two at once.I will have to take medication when Lila goes to kindergarten!
We visited the gym, the drama room, the cafeteria, but none of them were as magical to my book worm as the library! She was enchanted by all the beautiful books!

When we left Mrs. P hugged her and told SK she loved her. Really and truly she did...we are so lucky to have such a loving lady who is full of kindness this year for our Sarah Kate!

 Before we left the girls went to Mrs. P's room and back one more time all alone.... without any help...and they did just fine! They are ready to start and as a mom you are so happy to see that Independence but also a little sad just can't help it...
 It was a good Kindergator Open house! I can't wait to see all the wonderful adventures Sk will have this year with her wonderful teacher and her precious class! Keep me in your thoughts as my heart breaks on always hurts to let go...

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