It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a steak & shake sky

Of all my littles Riggs is the one who expresses his feelings the least. Sometimes you have to really watch him to know what is going on in his heart.

Tonight I took Rollins to soccer and the other 3 stayed home with my mom for supper and baths. After soccer it was almost 8 and Rollins was starving again so I pulled into McDonald's for a cheeseburger for him. For some reason when we walked in the door Rollins yelled out Riggs we got you McDonald's! Which we had not...Rollins was kidding around but Riggs came running with the biggest smile....when I told him Rollins was kidding his face fell and he turned around and walked away. I went to check on tell him that Rolls was hungry after soccer and I got him a biggie...right? I found him sitting on the couch...tears welled up in his eyes...It's fine, Mom...he said...but I knew it wasn't fine. If only he would get a brat...throw a fit..but no... he was sitting on the couch being sweet, trying to be mature and hold it all in....but his feeling were hurt...they just were. I don't think he even knew why they were hurt but sometimes you just can't help the way you feel. So at 8:38 ....when he should be brushing his teeth and heading to bed...I told him to go get in the truck...and off we went..just Riggs and me....the sky was beautiful and Riggs commented on how pretty it was too.
As I drove ....I could see him in the rear view mirror..his face had relaxed. He had no idea where we were going and he didn't ask.... but he knew I was doing something special for him....and that was all that mattered.
I pulled into a favorite of his..Steak and Shake....
and this is the face I got....

one big whopper Reece's shake please! with extra napkins and a side of  you matter...I care about you...I love you with all my heart. As we pulled away he said...I love you mom. Mission accomplished.
As we drove home the sky seemed even more beautiful. I will forever call a sky like this one a Steak & Shake sky as I tuck our little moment into my heart.

This may be one of his special memories of me he holds onto forever. When he is 18 we might be driving down the road under a Steak & Shake sky and he might look over and say, Mom, remember the night...
or it may be one of the nights that slips away from his memory all together. It just becomes a part of who he is without him even knowing it.  Either way this night stamped my love on him whether he remembers it or not.... and either way I hope he feels a little more loved every time he is under a Steak and Shake sky.

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