It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

lucky girl

I got lucky tonight.... really...really lucky. After Rollins' basketball game the littlest littles went home with Bumpa and Grandpa for a bit....and Riggs came come with Jeremy and me. Jeremy got called into a case and it was just me and Riggs....all home on a Saturday night. In a family as big as mine...alone time with any one is precious and we made the most of it! We played Uno.....over and over....and he won every time...but he hated beating me so much and I love that about him.
Then we played HORSE for a while....and he beat me at that too! We got crazy making shots from the couch and the floor and anywhere else we could think of!
We were flipping through the the stations and I came across the move A Walk to Remember....a movie I just was well underway....but we watched the rest of it together....and talked the whole time...about what was going on in the movie and it was amazing to sit and listen to him discuss how it related to his life...all on his own. Mandy Moore's character does not have a mother in the movie...and he asked where she was. I told him I didn't remember but that she had somehow died. This led to him telling me abut a little girl on his bus whose moms had lost a baby this week and how she was telling him about it on the bus...and how sorry he was for her and her family. It was so odd to picture him having a discussion about a miscarriage on the bus....I mean when he got off the bus every day last week he never looked any different. I didn't even know he knew what that was....and maybe he doesn't really understand it all...but I can tell you he knows it hurts the loose a baby....he knows that at 9...and I am not really sure how I feel about that....sad that he knows such big things.....or proud because his in the right place.  Today I just feel thankful I had this have this talk... and this time...with this sweet boy.
My mind wondered ahead as the wedding scene played before us...thinking about Riggs and who he might marry...that someday soon...a date with Moma and uno cards and basketball hoop just won't cut it....and although that is a bittersweet thought I want nothing more for my boys than to find love...true love...because with true love such wonderful things are possible...and life is just....well...better.

I hope one day he walks down the isle holding the hand of his forever love.....and I hope I will be there to see it all.....She will be a lucky, lucky girl to have Riggs Hardy. He is sincere....and loving..and smart...and full of integrity...and he has a smile with a dimple!
But for now....we are happy just holding a basketball and shooting hoops in the playroom....and tonight I am the lucky girl. A lucky girl indeed.


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    1. this is my personal blog of my life and my time with my kids...I am not selling t shirts or making a profit. Please leave my heart alone. If you don;t have something nice to say please don't comment or visit my blog.
