It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Brunch at Gran-Gran's

Mom made a delicious brunch for Christmas Eve. It was a fun way to start the day! Lila, as usual, ate her plate and then crawled up in someones lap to "help" them eat their the lucky one was Daddy.
 The boy cousins, all in shades of Christmas green, visited until Gran-Gran brought out the new x-box she bought to keep at her house and then they gathered in the loft for games.
 So So was full of excitement...she danced and was full of Christmas joy!

And Lila..well she just took it all in...and I just stared at her...all wrapped up in Christmas...and loved her from her sweet face framed in yellow curls to her sweet dangling feet...precious from head to toe!

Gran Gran got out Kazoos...and we were the whos in whoville playing and dancing!

We opened gifts...and the kids were excited abut what they got! The boys got kinex for their x-box and some games and the girls got doll carriers and brass beds for their dolls. Lila was so impressed with the dog-dog wrapping paper, however, it was hard for her to open her presents.

As presents were opened and wrapping paper was picked up...everyone settled into their own corners...doing their own thing...Cam took a nap...the kids took turns playing Rock em sock em robots that Nana had given to my boys...Sarah Kate twirled some more...and Jack and Landon had a ball  playing on the floor

It was then time for the annual bubble wrap fun for the kids! This year even Jack got in on the action!

As we started to pack our things up...and the brunch started to wind down..the littles starting to show how tired they were...we gathered as individual families for Christmas pictures..and all of a sudden I realized that we would be celebrating Christmas just like this individual families. I have hugged Cam and Sandy on Christmas day...every Christmas in my hit me harder than I thought...the change of tradition.  I really had not prepared my heart for this...just thought it would be different but who cares...but with the chaos and changes in life and the world...I think the traditions...the things you can count on mean more...or I guess thats what it was....I couldn't quite put my finger on it...all I know is it was a feeling I felt in my heart... one that was etched in bittersweet.

But I never said anything...I just gave hugs and said Merry Christmas. We can give it a try right? It was a wonderful Christmas brunch and it was great to be at Mom's new holidays in her new place really means a lot to was the reason why she moved...and I am so glad we could gather there together today.  Oh how I love my momma...she is a wonderful, amazing woman who makes my life so happy.

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