It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Monday, April 25, 2011

The phiton

Do you remember wanting something so bad when you were bad you couldn't stand it. You were hungry for it...and your whole life would be better if you had it. I remember this longing for a pair of Jellies when I little...and how my Nana got them for me. I relived the jellies with this phiton necklace. Riggs wanted it so bad...but the one he wanted...the best, most coolest one...had to be ordered. Although we ordered it and paid to have it shipped quickly it was still hard to wait...even a minute for this most precious necklace with the Celtics on very hard. It was supposed to come today...for sure...he waited......
 and he waited ...but it never came. He was so sad...he wanted to wear it tomorrow for his real birthday.
 So after bath...I ran up to Dick's and got this's just blue..but it will get him through until the Celtics one comes. He will have a phiton on his birthday...and he will be happy. Before he went to bed he said..thanks, Moma...that made my birthday...... littles have no idea when they say things like that how much it it warms your heart. I was speechless, but I managed to get out...You're welcome, made my life. And he did...I'm not sure I was really living until I became a mother. I am sure there will be many other phitons in his life...things he has to have...can't live without. Some I will be able to get him...some I'm sure I won't..but tonight this little boy went to bed with a phiton around his neck and happiness in his heart...and I dreamed of yellow jelly shoes arriving in a box from my Nana.

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