It's the little things that mean the most.....

When I pray for these children my prayer is for them to have kind, loving hearts....this is our life...our journey...our Hardy Hearts....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring break Saturday

After breakfast at Verbena we ventured to Meijer for some shopping! We were happy to see Buddy Bat there! What a fun treat! We bought Meijer fried chicken because Riggs said it tastes like heaven in a jar! The boys got new pens...they were so excited about these pens! SK got a barbie and Lila got Denver. If you have not seen the you tube video with the dog named Denver that eats the kitty cat treats ...stop and watch it right is so funny and Lila loves it! So today when she got a toy dog in a dog carrier..he was named Denver. 
 Something about Denver or the sassy pink carrier...gave Lila a swagger like I have never seen before...she was busy and proud and full of it as she walked across the Meijer parking lot with Denver  in one arm and the case on her shoulder...the pictures don't do it justice!

 Then it was off for pedicures and a lesson in women for the boys....
 They were not sure about the whole thing.....

 but as curious as my boys a minute they were all about it and asking questions...knowing about a pedicure is a good lesson for any young man to know...and I am trying to rear gentleman here, you know!
 SK and Lila went with sparkly blue for the Kentucky game later!

Lila was enchanted by the dry lights...she was so precious drying her fingernails...even though they didn't even have polish on them!

Riggs is always surprising me...and tenderly helped SK remove the paper from between her toes...
 and ran after Lila as she exited the nail salon telling her how pretty her toes were! He is such a good brother....I think he got the pedicure lesson! ;)
 Then it was game time...and we were all ready to cheer on our Cats...even Jack was decked out!

 Lila really enjoyed the cookie cake and the blue icing!
 But the cats couldn't pull it out this night and we lost by one to season is over, but it sure was fun while it lasted!

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